
Monday, January 10, 2011

Happiness Project, Monday of Week 2

Well, it was a Monday today, but not a bad Monday.  We had our Kindergartener's in the Computer Lab and I got quite a bit more benchmark testing done.  I went grocery shopping after work, picked up a prescription, unloaded groceries and put them away, made a meatloaf and baked potato dinner and changed out the dishwasher.

I downloaded a chapter of a book I saw mentioned by Kelly P. from Knit Picks onto my Kindle.  The premise of the book is making some sort of craft item every day for a year.  Kelly was asking how the idea of the book might be transferred to knitting or spinning.  Easy, I thought, just knit every day.  So, knit I have.

This is what I've been knitting on this evening. 
This was an unexpected project.  My friend asked me for a little help with a scarf she was knitting.  I looked over her scarf, and I was having a bit of trouble figuring out exactly what was happening on her project.  I knew that she had ripped out this project a few times (fifteen, to be exact) and was getting a bit frustrated with it. I decided that I needed to try knitting the lace pattern to see if I could identify the problem.   I went into my stash and found this relatively inexpensive yarn and started the pattern.  I was surprised to find that I really enjoy this simple lace pattern, and I was liking the yarn way more than I thought I would.  I figured out my friend's issue with her scarf, and decided to keep going with my own.  I've knit on it for three evenings now, and I'm still really loving it.  I love the reversability of the lace and the way this yarn drapes, yet has a rustic feel to it.  The pattern is the Spectrum Scarf  by Eunny Jung from Interweave Knits. The yarn is Lion Brand's Fisherman's Wool in the oatmeal color. This is a great "carry-along" project that fits nicely into my bag.
Here's a close up of the lace pattern.  It's basically just a K1P1 rib with a yarn over between each rib.  I like it! Thanks, Doreen, and I still think you should finish your scarf with the Bavarian Twist Stitch!

The motivational quote of the day:

Just remember, the only people who don't make mistakes are those who aren't doing anything.
~Tim W. Welborn

This quote speaks to me because I often feel "stuck" because I'm afraid to make mistakes.  I have crafting materials that I've had for years because I'm afraid to use them and mess them up. I need to remember this quote to try to get past this and give myself permission to make mistakes.

Be grateful and see the beauty in each day!


Doreen said...

Oh gosh if I quit everytime I made a mistake I would be doing nothing! Think of it as a learning curve and if you make a mistake say" it's okay I love trying and I will try again". I have some yarn that keeps talking to me! :)

Doreen said...

I am getting a little concerned that I have not seen a post since Jan.10th. :) Just checking