
Sunday, January 6, 2008

Our anniversary

Yesterday was our 6th wedding anniversary. Anniversaries are a time of reflection and remembering the time that has passed. It does not seem possible that six years has passed since our wedding day. Upon further reflection, when looking at what has been accomplished in that time, it amazes me how much has transpired since. The children are now grown. Only Katie remains in school, now her Junior year of college. Christy made the move far away from home, and a horrible boyfriend situation. She has grown into a responsible woman, caring for her home, and enjoying a great new job. Bobby has been to war and back. He is forever changed by the experiences of his young life as a soldier. He is continuing to find his way in this civilian life while learning how to interpret and live with the horrors he's seen. I am grateful that Christy and Bobby remain close, caring for each other, so that neither is alone so far from home. Ryan is now happily married himself, a homeowner, and working in a job that he loves. Bob and I have cleared our land and built our house. We have found a way to meld two families, each of us caring for the other's children as if they are our own. We are continuing to grow as a couple, learning about and from each other. Marriage, at any time of life, under any circumstances, isn't easy and requires a great deal of work, patience, understanding and compassion. Ours is no exception. But at this time of reflection, I realize and am grateful that we found each other. We are a blessing to each other and to our children. I feel a sense of accomplishment that we have come this far, and I look forward to what is yet to come.

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